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The Rise of the ADHD Stack: Bridging Supplements and Wearable Technology

The Rise of the ADHD Stack: Bridging Supplements and Wearable Technology

AJ Keller
By AJ Keller on June 15, 2023

You know that saying “I’d forget my own head if it wasn’t screwed on”?

In recent years, a fascinating trend has emerged across all corners of the internet: the concept of “stacks” that combine various elements to achieve specific goals.

From health stacks consisting of vitamins and supplements to tool-based stacks for physical fitness, people are exploring innovative ways to optimize their well-being. Among these trends, one that stands out is the ADHD stack, which blends elements from health and wellness stacks with the integration of technology-based tools.

Its popularity is thanks in part to the work of neuroscientist Andrew Huberman — a renowned expert in the field of neuroscience, who has shed light on the potential benefits of the ADHD stack and its impact on cognitive function.

In his Huberman Lab podcast — he delves into his own “stack” for brain health and cognitive improvements, and even has full podcast episodes on ADHD management.

Hint: If you haven’t noticedhe’s a big fan of the “stack” approach.

ADHD Stack

The Concept of the ADHD Stack

In the startup world, many people take the false gods of stimulants as their “brain stack”. From coffee to controversial nootropics, the need for the ever-evolving “stack” (all the things we need to function optimally) keeps growing.

The ADHD stack is similar. It’s an amalgamation of substances, supplements, and technology-driven tools designed to address the challenges faced by individuals with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD).

It’s worthwhile to note that the “stack” is not a treatment or solution, just a set of effective tools.

While traditional health stacks focus primarily on physical well-being, the ADHD stack takes a holistic approach by combining elements that support cognitive function, focus, and productivity.

You know that saying “I’d forget my own head if it wasn’t screwed on”?

Well this is where wearable technology truly shines in the ADHD stack. After all, you can’t forget to take or use something if you’re wearing it.

The Role of Wearable Devices in the ADHD Stack

In recent years, wearable devices like the Apple Watch and Fitbit have gained widespread popularity for their ability to track various aspects of health and well-being. These devices offer features and functionalities that can be particularly beneficial for individuals with ADHD.

Here’s how the stack works:

Apple Watch

The Apple Watch, known for its advanced health tracking capabilities, offers several features that support individuals with ADHD:

1. Activity Tracking:

The Apple Watch tracks daily activities, including steps taken, calories burned, and exercise duration. This feature promotes physical activity, which has been shown to improve cognitive function and reduce ADHD symptoms.

2. Focus and Mindfulness:

The Apple Watch includes built-in apps such as Breathe and Mindfulness, which provide guided breathing exercises and reminders to take breaks and engage in mindfulness practices. These features can help individuals with ADHD improve focus and manage stress.

3. Notifications and Reminders:

The Apple Watch can display notifications and reminders directly on the wrist, reducing the chances of missing important tasks or appointments. These features contribute to better time management and organization.


Fitbit, another popular wearable device, offers features that align with the needs of individuals with ADHD:

1. Sleep Tracking: 

Fitbit tracks sleep duration, quality, and patterns, providing insights into sleep habits. Proper sleep hygiene is crucial for individuals with ADHD, as lack of quality sleep can exacerbate symptoms. Fitbit’s sleep tracking feature helps individuals monitor and improve their sleep patterns.

2. Activity Monitoring:

Fitbit tracks physical activity levels, providing data on steps taken, active minutes, and calories burned. Regular exercise has been shown to improve focus and attention, making Fitbit a valuable tool for individuals with ADHD.

3. Heart Rate Monitoring: 

Fitbit’s heart rate monitoring feature allows individuals to monitor their heart rate throughout the day. Changes in heart rate can provide insights into stress levels, helping individuals identify triggers and manage stress effectively.

Now, as a startup founder with ADHD, I’ve been incorporating a stack into my workday, with a noteworthy addition:

The Crown by Neurosity

The Crown by Neurosity is our unique wearable device that combines neuroscience and technology to enhance focus and attention. Its features include:

1. Brainwave Monitoring:

The Crown utilizes electroencephalography (EEG) technology to measure brainwave activity. This allows individuals to gain insights into their cognitive states, such as focus and distraction levels.

2. Real-time Feedback: 

The Crown provides real-time feedback through its accompanying help users understand when their focus is waning.

3. Customization and Adaptability: 

The Crown offers customization options to cater to individual preferences and needs. The device adapts to the user’s brainwave patterns over time, providing a more personalized and effective experience.

4. Integration with Other Tools: 

The Crown can integrate with other technology-based tools in the ADHD stack, such as productivity apps or task management systems. This integration allows for a seamless workflow, where individuals can leverage the data from The Crown to enhance their productivity and focus.

By leveraging cutting-edge technology and scientific research, our product provides a brain-computer interface that allows users to shift into a state of focus when needed. It offers users a non-invasive and convenient tool that can help enhance attention and concentration.

The Crown and Focus:

Designed with focus as a main metric, The Crown is crafted with countless hours of meticulous research and invaluable user feedback serving as our guiding light. It is a tool that is not only intuitive but also customizable and effortlessly user-friendly.

We wholeheartedly acknowledge and embrace the significance of individual differences, striving to provide a versatile tool that can help people focus.

Integration into the “Stack”:

Much like the wearable Apple Watch and Fitbit, we anticipate the Crown will become a daily go-to product for many people when it comes to focus.

Future Impact:

Looking ahead, I’m optimistic about the future impact of our product as a tool for helping people shift into focus. As awareness grows and more individuals recognize the potential of brain-computer interface technology, we anticipate increased adoption and integration of our product into the broader digital community.

So, that leaves me with one question:

What does your stack look like?


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