Build the next generation of neuro Apps.
Neurosity SDK
Access the Neurosity SDK and start building apps with all the data the brain has to offer.
Check out the free SDK
Neurosity Developer Program
Join our immersive 4-week developer course covering JavaScript (Web, React Native) and Python, plus our Kinesis platform. Each monthly session is limited to 10 participants, ensuring hands-on support for every developer. By the end, you'll have a fully functional neuro app using real-time EEG data.
Learn more and enroll here
Neurosity Console
Visualize brainwaves, record raw data, train kinesis commands, and access focus and calm scores.
Record and Analyze EEG
Device emulators give you access to Neurosity Apps and SDK. Start building apps for real devices with Neurosity's synthetic brain.
Learn about Emulators subscription